



With Nearly $3 Million Grant, Mellon Foundation Extends Support for Humanities Students

Support provides access to four-year humanities degrees for students with limited means

When it launched in 2015, 克利夫兰人文协作项目旨在以英国最大赌博365网站(tric®)优秀人文学生的学术工作为基础,为他们提供过渡到凯斯西储大学(Case Western Reserve University)并完成学士学位课程的支持服务和学习机会.
九年后, 梅隆基金会为CWRU和trc提供了近300万美元的额外支持, 现在包括莱克兰社区学院和洛雷恩县社区学院的学生和教师.
总共, 梅隆基金会通过CWRU和trc对合作的承诺超过6美元.500万年. 该基金会的前三笔赠款为攻读文学副学士学位的社区大学生提供了转入凯斯西储大学的途径,并为CWRU人文学科的研究生提供了参与合作项目的机会. This work advances the both institutions' commitment to the humanities. 了解更多 about this outstanding program 在这里.

Find out 更多的 about philanthropy's impact

Continuing Scholars' Model Earns Historic Combined Gift of $6.8 million for Tri-C/CSU

Grant will continue funding through 2031

Graphic of Tri-C and CSU logos for Mandel Scholars Program杰克、约瑟夫和莫顿·曼德尔基金会捐赠了一笔里程碑式的约3美元赠款.3 million upon the Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C®) and approximately $3.500万美元用于克利夫兰州立大学(CSU),以进一步推进著名的曼德尔持续学者计划. 资金总额为6美元.800万美元保证了项目的持续运营,并促进了长期规划——为学生探索转学选择以攻读学士学位带来了令人兴奋的前景,并确保了无缝和成功的过渡.

的 Mandel Continuing Scholars Program, 2017年发起, is a rigorous pathway for Tri-C's Mandel Scholars Academy graduates, propelling them to Cleveland State University's prestigious Mandel Honors College. 的 program has already successfully matriculated 110 Tri-C Mandel Scholar alumni to CSU, while 254 students have completed the Mandel Continuing Scholars Program at Tri-C. With renewed support from the Mandel Foundation for eight years extending into 2031, 更多的 students will benefit from this exceptional pipeline program.


Tri-C基金会 Announces $2 Million Gift From KeyBank

New initiatives will expand accessibility and innovation in workforce training

KeyBank and the Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C®)基金会宣布,KeyBank基金会将提供200万美元的赠款,用于发展创新, accessible workforce training. KeyBank’s investment will support core areas of growth within these programs:  

  • 有针对性的招聘,旨在增加在关键行业就业不足和代表性不足的个人的入学率.
  • On-demand assistance to support students and make programs affordable.
  • Responsive curriculum innovation to address industry demands.
  • Job placement support and increased employer partnerships.

Tri-C和KeyBank的转型合作伙伴关系将确保学生获得有意义的就业和维持家庭生计的工资-这是整个俄亥俄州东北部的关键需求. Thanks to the generosity of KeyBank and the KeyBank Foundation, 三一学院可以继续消除成功的障碍,让更多的社区成员能够获得成功所需的教育.

了解更多 about this extraordinary gift 在这里.

Help Tri-C fill the region's employment gap
Andrew and 阿德里亚娜兰德尔 portrait

Andy and 阿德里亚娜兰德尔 lead the way to 更多的 student scholarships

Trustee and Foundation board member and member emeritus Andrew E. 兰德尔知道英国最大赌博365网站(trc®)是一个“非常重要的机构”.他自1997年第一次参加总统奖学金午宴以来,就一直在不断地提供资助. 他的妻子, 阿德里亚娜兰德尔, 在转入克利夫兰州立大学之前,他于20世纪90年代在西部校区注册了基础课程. 这些早期的接触巩固了这对夫妇对学院和我们的学生的持久承诺.

Andrew, president and CEO of Cleveland Private Trust, joined the Foundation board in 1996. He served as chairperson from 2002-2004 before being named a director emeritus. He rejoined the Foundation board in 2018. 他还于2010年被任命为大学董事会成员,刚刚结束了他的第二个五年任期. 这种对三c学院的多方面服务对学生的入学机会和成功产生了重大影响.

During his tenure, Andrew has worked with three College presidents.

阅读更多 about the Randalls and how they support Tri-C students. 


Learn how you can support students !
Portrait of Steve Demetriou

的 Demetriou Family Learn and Earn Program

Demetriou Family Learn and Earn Program provides stipends to students participating in micro-internships, 学徒制, pre-学徒制 and job shadowing opportunities. 这减轻了学生的经济负担,并消除了学生在参加三- c期间获得全职工作的需要. 这些实践, experiential learning experiences can be a critical first step, moving our students on a sure path toward a career filled with opportunities and success.

史蒂夫说:“达纳和我很自豪能够通过这个来自我们家庭的礼物来支持英国最大赌博365网站,帮助学生在追求学位的同时获得职业道路上的实际经验. As a longtime member of the Tri-C基金会 Board of Directors, it is my priority to make an impact in our community.”

听到 更多的 from Steve about this exciting opportunity for students.

听到 更多的 from Steve Demetriou


Tri-C is a driving force for the economic prosperity and future of our region. 您通过trc基金会对学生成功的支持,是对俄亥俄州东北部现在和未来几年蓬勃发展的投资.

你知道吗?.... 49%的三c学生有资格获得佩尔助学金,这表明他们的经济需求很高. 尽管英国最大赌博365网站是俄亥俄州最实惠的大学, without scholarship support, many students would not be able to afford the cost of tuition. 


See how your gift makes an impact
Office of Resource Development

Office of Resource Development and Tri-C基金会

英国最大赌博365网站基金会是一个独立的501c(3)组织,成立于1973年. trc基金会的使命是提供资源,促进英国最大赌博365网站学生的成功,并改变trc服务对象的生活. 的 vision is to ensure Tri-C has the resources needed to help every student learn, thrive and succeed and to create a prosperous community for all.

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